My thoughts are that trump stole the classified Russian records to keep under wrap his potentially inappropriate relationship w the Kremlin.

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It's clear that Trump took the documents deliberatly which would make it harder for his defense. He probably cherry picked the ones he took.

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Exactly. Explains Meadows memo the day after trump asked that they all be declassified, changing it to only certain documents out of the cache he stole. It also provides no explanation for the theft of documents on our nuclear technology, the amounts/types/locations of nuclear weapons of a so far undisclosed NATO ally, personal Intel on President Macron, the files listing the names & locations of our informants/spies, and unknown documents from a previous President.

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I believe you will find all the "RussiaRussiaRussia" proof in the very heavy coffin with Ivana's ashes interred I NJ.

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